Location Syke near Bremen

Headquarters BITEK Bergungsdienst GmbH

Bergungsdienst Kampfmittelbeseitigung BITEK Syke bei Bremen

The headquarters and administrative headquarters of BITEK Bergungsdienst GmbH is located in Syke near Bremen, in the industrial area “Hinterm Bahnhof” of the city of Syke.

From this location, we mainly serve our customers from the federal states of Lower Saxony, Bremen, Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Brandenburg, Berlin, Saxony-Anhalt, Saxony and also parts of Thuringia, Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia.

Our customers benefit from our proximity to the water and the location itself, from which we offer our services in explosive ordnance detection and recovery on land and in the water, as well as diving work of all kinds.

Contact details for the location in Syke

BITEK Bergungsdienst GmbH
Boschstr. 6
28857 Syke

Phone: +49 (0) 4242 16020
Email: info@bitekbremen.de

Contact persons

Mr. Wache, Mr. Schmidt, Mr. Caschera

Directions to the location in Syke

Directions on Google Maps

Coming from the north, you can reach our location in Syke via the BAB A1, exit 57 Bremen/Brinkum and then via the B6 in the direction of Nienburg. Coming from the south, take the B6 towards Bremen.

Bergungsdienst Kampfmittelberung BITEK Rheinland-Pfalz
Headquarters BITEK Bergungsdienst GmbH